Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia

I would also like to congratulate the Patriarch-Elect, + Kiril for his election to the Patriarchial throne of Moscow. God grant him many years!

While on the subject of Moscow. Many Ukrainian Catholics hold the Muscovite church in a very low opinion, and to be honest they pretty much deserve the criticisms they receive in their behavior following our freedom from the Soviet oppression. I, though, welcome the day when the Patriarch of Moscow and the Patriarch of Kyiv-Halych can embrace one another as brothers in Christ and in a mission to preach East-Roman Orthodox faith to all the Rus' people whom have been lost to the faith because of Communism. A true union of course, not one like which was imposed upon us by the Soviets. I believe +Kiril will be a vital step to bringing this about some time in the future (most likely not in my lifetime admittedly). Just my two cents.

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